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When it comes to sexual intimacy, communication is key to ensuring that both you and your partner are comfortable and enjoying yourselves. To get the most out of your relationship, try talking about the following topics with your sexual partner in detail. You might be surprised at how much you learn about each other’s likes and dislikes, making your sex life better than ever before!

When intimacy moves from emotional to physical, partners in a sexual relationship must have open and honest discussions. There are some topics you should always consider discussing when engaging with a new sexual partner.

1. Discuss Your Sexual History and Future Plans:

When it comes to discussing your sexual history and future plans, honesty is the best policy. Your partner should understand what you're comfortable with, what you've done in the past, and what you plan on doing in the future. You can't expect them to know these things if they haven't been told. It's important that your partner knows where you stand before engaging in any type of physical contact. You should also talk about how comfortable either of you are with birth control methods, protection against STIs.

Afterward, both parties should feel confident about the other person's desires and boundaries so that both parties are fully satisfied during sexual activity. In addition to talking about sex itself, talk with your partner about how often you would like to have sex, who initiates it most often, and whether or not condoms or contraceptives are used when having intercourse.

In an ideal situation, this discussion should happen early on in the relationship so that there aren't any uncomfortable feelings later down the road. If there are any changes desired by either party, discuss this openly together instead of keeping your thoughts bottled up until one party becomes frustrated and wants something different from the other.These discussions will help establish a healthy dialogue and make sure both partners are sexually satisfied.

2. Be Open About Your Sexual Secrets:

The most important thing is, to be honest, and open about your sexual secrets. It can be difficult but it will make you feel a lot better and more comfortable. For example, if you have been sexually assaulted in the past, it is important that you tell your partner so they know what type of behavior might make you uncomfortable. If you do not have any sexually transmitted diseases or infections, then discuss with your partner how often you are tested and when was the last time. Ask them if they would like to be tested as well, as STDs are spread by skin-to-skin contact. If either one of you has had sex outside of this relationship (consensual or non-consensual), it is important to talk about what happened and ensure that both partners understand each other's feelings on these events. You may want to establish boundaries ahead of time if there is anything that makes you uncomfortable during the sexual activity such as certain words being said, specific positions being done, etc.

3. Never underestimate your lover’s bedroom interests:

Many people are interested in what your sexual interests are. However, it’s important to remember that you should never underestimate your lover’s bedroom interests. There is nothing wrong with being turned on by something different than the person you are sleeping with. What matters most is that both partners feel comfortable expressing their desires and fantasies. It can be a great way of discovering new things about one another.

Being open-minded will help make sex more enjoyable for both people. No matter how strong our likes or dislikes may be, there are always ways around them. For example, some people enjoy giving head while others do not like it at all. The key is to explore together until you find a compromise that works for both of you. You may discover that you can still pleasure each other even if one of you doesn't want to go down on the other. If this is too uncomfortable for either partner, then don't force it. You'll just need to come up with another way to get yourself off if this is an issue. Sometimes when two people have very different preferences, they decide to take turns during the act. It might take longer, but you'll both get exactly what you want and nobody has to give up anything they're not happy with.

4. Birth Control:

It’s a good idea to discuss birth control options early on in your sexual relationship. After all, condoms have expiration dates and some people are allergic to latex. For women, you may want to consider the following: do you want a barrier method or do you want hormonal birth control? You might also need to talk about whether or not you will get pregnant in the future if you use an IUD. For men, you may need about getting an emergency contraceptive like Plan B for yourself.

Remember that most forms of birth control require you to take them every day at a certain time, so make sure that both partners agree on how they plan to remember. One last point worth mentioning- be honest with your partner! They deserve to know everything before deciding which form(s) of contraception they would like to use.

5. Other topic like: Will discussing these topics ensure a good sex life?

Yes, discussing these topics will help ensure a good sex life. It is important for couples to have a sense of what they like or don't like, and this can be achieved by talking about it together. For example, it'll be important to know you don’t it like when your partner touches your arm hair then it should be discussed before things get too heated. By discussing these topics, couples can learn more about each other and their desires.

Concluding Paragraph:

Remember that relationships can change. Even in established partnerships, you should continue to have conversations about these topics. Understanding expectations can help you start and maintain a healthy sex life.


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