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How to choose your first butt plug?

How to choose your first butt plug?

Literally speaking, the butt plug is an object that can plug one’s butt for the sensation of stimulating fullness that it provides. Nothing can compare to the way it feels to have this plug inserted just far enough into your back anal. You may feel uncomfortable during the first use, but after you tried, you will understand why the erections that come from this feeling have been described as some of the most intense that has ever been experienced by the men who have had them. The direct reason people to wear a butt plug is for reaching direct and constant prostate stimulation.

There are kinds of butt plug on the market, various of material, shapes, and sizes, actually, it is hard for beginners to figure out what butt plug should to choose. But the most important principle to choose butt plug that is it will not cause damage to the delicate lining of the anal, and it should have very smooth edges to avoid any scratched to the anal canal.

When selecting your first butt plug, you should pay more attention to its size. The small size would be the best start. If the smaller size starts to seem too small after using it for a while, then it is time for you to upgrade to something a bit larger. Just be sure that you don’t go too large because, then, it will become too uncomfortable for you. Also, a butt plug with a large base is wise to choose to help prevent the toy falling inside the body and preventing an embarrassing visit to the hospital.

Besides, when you are purchasing your first butt plug you’d better know the material that it is made from. I know some toys are made of glass but I don’t recommend them due to the potential issues if the materials were to be chipped or damaged. Also, some people are allergic to latex or rubber, knowing the material of butt plug would be good to avoid these problems.

Lube and butt plug:

Lube would help a lot when wearing a butt plug, but different materials require different lubricants. Water-based lubes are considered as the top recommend lubes because it does not react with any of the materials anal toy, but if you are planning on wearing a butt plug for a longer period of time, some of the water from the lube can be absorbed making it a little more difficult to remove the butt plug later, hence you’d better go with a non-water based lube for long time wear.

Generally speaking, silicone lube cannot be used with silicone toys, and oil based lubes can’t be used with latex or rubber toys, all lubes can be used with metal, vinyl and plastic toys. But oil-based lubes can destroy condoms, hence when you are planning to have sex with condoms, you’d better choose either water or silicone based lube.


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