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Things You Should Know About the Clitoris

Things You Should Know About the Clitoris

The clitoris is the organ of pleasure, and we are born with it. This little nub of nerve tissue is responsible for making you feel good when you're having sex, but what is it?

That's right: the clitoris is an organ, not just a nub. The clitoris is made up of two parts: the glans and the shaft. The glans is where most of your stimulation happens—it's where you'll find your "clitoral hood," which contains glands that produce fluid and protect your clitoral head. The shaft will vary in length depending on your body type, but it extends from the glans down toward your vagina. There's more than just a little bit of confusion about this topic because there are lots of myths out there about how to touch yourself and what exactly should go where when it comes to pleasure play! We're here to clear up some of those myths so you can start exploring all of your options for feeling good down below!

What Is the Clitoris?

The clitoris is a part of the female genitalia, which includes the labia and vaginal opening. It has a small shaft that extends upwards from where it connects with the body. The clitoris is the female counterpart of the penis, and if you’re not familiar with it, there are probably some things you need to know about it. When people refer to the female organ of pleasure, they’re usually talking about the clitoris—but many women don’t know how to find it or how to stimulate it, so their orgasms can be difficult to achieve in bed. If you want to take your sex life to the next level, continue reading to know more about the clitoris!

Where Is the Clitoris?

The clitoris is an external organ located on the vulva, above the opening of the vagina. It has two parts: the glans and the shaft. The glans is a small, round structure that can be covered by a foreskin (called a prepuce) and it contains nerve endings that make it very sensitive to stimulation. The shaft extends down from the glans, along the pubic bone, and connects with the labia minora. The clitoral glans (or head) are what you see when you look at a woman's vulva from above. The clitoral shaft attaches to the body behind it, and both are covered by sensitive nerve endings, which can give great pleasure when touched. It contains around 8,000 nerve endings - twice as many as the penis! But not only does the clitoris help women achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse, but it also retracts during childbirth so that no harm will come to it.

What Is the Purpose of the Clitoris?

The clitoris is an external organ that exists for the sole purpose of sexual pleasure. Its function is to give sexual gratification.

How to stimulate the clitoris?


The clitoris is the most sensitive part of a woman's body. It can be difficult to stimulate the clitoris because there are many nerves, and you need to be precise with your touch or use of sex toy. There are two types of clitoral stimulation: direct stimulation and indirect stimulation. Direct stimulation includes touching, rubbing, or massaging the clitoris directly.

Indirect stimulation includes touching the labia majora around the clitoris or inserting a finger into the vagina to stimulate the clitoris from inside. When stimulating the clitoris, keep in mind that it responds best when stimulated indirectly by moving over it rather than touching it directly.

Interesting Facts About the Clitoris:

Your clitoris can be big or small, there is no "right" size. The clitoris is the most sensitive and powerful part of the female body. It can vary in size depending on age, hormones, and level of arousal. The clitoris has more than 8,000 nerve endings which makes it extremely sensitive. If a woman isn't aroused enough, then the clitoris may not be very reactive.

Arousal starts with stimulation or touching of the external area where the clitoris is located. When touched, blood flow increases and vaginal lubrication occurs. The clitoris usually becomes erect when stimulated. It takes around 20-30 minutes for an average clitoris to become fully engorged. Some people believe that because the clitoris is so close to the urethra, vagina, and anus these other organs are what cause pleasure sensations when touched. However, this theory hasn't been proven scientifically. There are many myths about what happens to women's bodies during orgasm but it's generally believed that when a woman reaches orgasm she experiences intense feelings of pleasure due to the release of endorphins and oxytocin into her bloodstream from increased levels of arousal.

The clitoris and the penis—a shared beginning!


The clitoris and the penis, contrary to popular belief, share a beginning—the tissue that will become the penis is actually what becomes the clitoris in females. When you look at an embryo during development, it's not yet possible to tell which sex it will be until about 2 months of gestation. But if you can see where the urethra develops, that determines whether the baby will be male or female.

If the urethra forms out of what would have been called the clitoris, then we're looking at a boy. And if what would have been the shaft of the penis ends up forming as a clitoris, this means she's going to grow up to be a girl. From there, all sorts of things happen to determine what happens with the penis and clitoris: they both start developing together (as described above), but then they go their separate ways. By eight weeks after conception, the cells that form the head of the clitoris start branching out into what will eventually become its crisscrossed nerve endings—a process that doesn't happen with penises.


A woman needs to know what is clitoris and what it does because this knowledge can help her understand her body better. Knowing about the clitoris will also help her enjoy sex more. Women need to feel pleasure while they have intercourse with their partners to have an orgasm. The clitoris plays an important role in achieving that pleasure. 

In conclusion, I would like to say that knowing what is clitoris and what it does can be very useful for both women and men. Men should always remember that not every woman's clitoris has the same size and sensitivity. Different approaches are needed to find what works for them. On the other hand, most women require stimulation of their clit during intercourse which may or may not lead to orgasm.


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