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Guide to Anal Masturbation for Beginners

Guide to Anal Masturbation for Beginners

What is Anal Masturbation exactly?

Anal masturbation is a fun and healthy way to explore your body. It involves stimulating the sensitive area around the anus with your fingers, sex toys, or other objects. While some people may feel uncomfortable exploring this area of their body, it can be a great way to experience pleasure and reach new heights of orgasm. Plus, since the anus isn’t connected directly to the reproductive system, you don’t need to worry about pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.


Lowered stress: It’s no surprise that Analy masturbation can lead to lowered stress. When you orgasm, your body releases endorphins which act as natural painkillers and a mood boosters. Increased sex drive: Masturbation increases your libido and will often leave you more open for sexual encounters.

Better sleep: A study conducted by Dr. Nicole Prause found that people who masturbated had a better quality of sleep than those who didn't masturbate.

Improved mood: Not only does masturbating increase your libido but it also boosts serotonin levels in the brain which regulate mood.

Pain Relief: For many people, anal penetration is painful or uncomfortable. Some women even experience difficulties achieving orgasm through vaginal intercourse because the vagina is meant to grip onto something while thrusting. If someone experiences discomfort or pain when they try to have sex or masturbate through penetration, they may want to try using their fingers instead or using a small toy. These types of toys are great because they don't cause any friction which may be causing them pain and they're designed with pleasure in mind!

Self-exploration: Another great benefit of anal masturbation is self-exploration. When we masturbate anally, we have the chance to get to know our bodies on a deeper level. It can be an enlightening experience that helps us understand what turns us on, what feels good, and how we can pleasure ourselves better.

Pleasure: One of the best benefits of masturbating anally is that it's pleasurable! While not everyone finds penetrative anal stimulation pleasurable, there are lots of ways to explore this type of stimulation without pain. One way is to use your fingers rather than penetrate too quickly or too hard. You could also experiment with different sizes, shapes, and materials until you find something that works for you!

Lower risk of prostate cancer: Prostate cancer is common in males over the age of 50, but studies show that men who ejaculate at least 21 times per month are at a lower risk of prostate cancer.


How to get started with Anal Masturbation?

Toying with your tush on your own can help you get more comfortable and in tune with your body. But, how to get started?

Anal masturbation is becoming increasingly popular, especially among women, and it’s no surprise why. Anal masturbation can be a deeply satisfying experience that can bring pleasure to your entire body.

For people with vulvas, internal anal play can also stimulate areas of the vaginal canal and larger clitoral structure.

And if you have a prostate — a walnut-sized gland located about 2 inches inside the rectum — you’re in luck. According to Adam Levoy, CEO of prostate health and pleasure brand Giddy, prostate stimulation can strengthen penile orgasms by 30 percent.

Pick your player: Manual vs. toys

You can try a number of ways to explore the back roads on your own! Here are some of the most common.

  • Manual stimulation

Masturbation is a great way to explore and learn more about your body. When it comes to anal masturbation, there are two main approaches: manual stimulation or using toys. Both methods can be equally pleasurable and provide different types of stimulation.

For manual stimulation, start by applying lubricant to your fingers, the anus, and inside your rectum. Massage the area with your finger(s) gently and slowly. Take your time and increase the pressure gradually as you become more aroused. Experiment with different strokes and circular motions to find what feels best for you.

If you have a vulva and are using your fingers, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly before touching your vulva to help prevent infection.

The same applies if you have a penis: Wash your hands before touching your penis head.

Alternatively, you can use latex or nitrile gloves or finger cots that you can take off and toss in the trash afterward.

  • Sex Toys

Using sex toys can also be a great way to explore anal pleasure. Start with smaller toys, such as a slim butt plug or anal beads, and work your way up to larger sizes. Again, take your time and be sure to use plenty of lube. When you’re ready for something bigger, try a prostate massager for extra pleasure and deeper stimulation.

If using a sex toy, make sure it has a flared base so that it doesn’t get lost inside your rectum. As with fingers, start slowly and increase intensity as desired. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, take a break and assess what felt uncomfortable before continuing.

Anal play doesn’t have to be limited to masturbation. It can also be included during partnered sex play. Make sure to communicate with your partner beforehand and go slowly if you decide to move on to penetrative anal sex.


  • Butt plugs

These plugs typically have a narrow end for insertion followed by a flared base to stop it from going all the way inside the anus. As with anal beads, be sure to use plenty of lube before insertion, and don't forget about reapplying it during masturbation if needed!

They come in an array of styles, shapes, colors, sizes, and materials. With silicone, you can choose between motorized and nonmotorized plugs. Either type is great for beginner anal play, as long as you choose a modest-sized toy.

  • Anal beads

These are round, plastic, or rubber objects on a string that are inserted into the anus. You can either lie on your stomach or back or use them as you would with vaginal penetration, or you can use them while sitting down in a chair. It's important to remember to lube the beads before inserting them, and if you need more lubricant during masturbation, add some more.

Whether you prefer manual or toy-based stimulation, it’s important to take it slow, use lots of lubricants, and make sure you relax. Be sure to listen to your body and stop if anything feels uncomfortable. With patience and practice, you’ll soon find out what feels best for you and be able to enjoy the amazing sensations of anal pleasure!


There are different styles here, you can pick the right product for you here, check it out now>>https://utimi.com/collections/anal-plugs

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